Silver Investing: A Deep Dive into the Fundamentals with Peter Krauth

In this episode, I am excited to have Peter Krauth, the author of The Great Silver Bull, on to talk about silver investing.

This is a great time to learn about silver because the fundamentals are really strong, but at the same time, investors aren't paying much attention to it.

We are still coming out of a long bear market for silver, and while the silver price and silver stocks have moved quite a bit this year, there's still a lot of value to be found.

Silver is a great example of what I'm looking for in a commodity. Demand for things like electronics and solar panels is growing rapidly, but supply is challenged. As a result, we have been in a deficit for a couple of years now.

Silver is also interesting because it has a lot of optionality, as it's both an industrial and an investment metal.

For me, the most important thing to have when investing in commodities is a strong conviction in the thesis.

Because these things are so volatile, it's easy to get shaken out during a pullback if you don't have conviction. Therefore, I want to go deep into the fundamentals of the supply and demand for silver with Peter to really understand the thesis and have a better conviction in it.

After we talk about supply and demand, I ask Peter about some of the challenges to the thesis, such as:

What could happen to the industrial demand for silver in a recession?

And the fact that many investors shy away from investing in mining because they perceive it to be environmentally damaging or too risky.

We then end the conversation by discussing some ways to invest in silver and silver equities. It was a great conversation and I hope you learn as much as I did!

Listen to the episode here:

It’s also available on Spotify. Apple Podcasts - Coming soon!

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Opportunities in Critical Minerals and Precious Metals with John Feneck